All CCPL locations will be closed for the Presidents' Day Holiday on Monday, February 17. We will reopen for regular hours on Tuesday, February 18
Exploration Commons is accepting donations in the form of materials that can be used in the makerspace (fabric, scrap wood, electronics, etc.) and monetary donations to help support programming. Programming in the teaching kitchen and the makerspace is expensive and we only charge to recoup costs. By making a donation to our programming we can reduce or eliminate the cost to attend programs and make the services we provide more equitable.
Please contact our Exploration Commons Manager for material and monetary donations. For monetary donations, you may also make your donation online.
Our sincere appreciation is offered to all whose efforts and financial contributions have brought our dream for Exploration Commons at 50 East to life.
Carroll County Government The Kahlert Foundation Davis Library, Inc. Tevis Family The Institute for Museum and Library Services & The Maryland State Library Agency Funding for Exploration Commons was provided, in part, by the Institute for Museum and Library Services and the Maryland State Capital Grants for Libraries program.
John B. & Sharon Hafner Yingling
Thomas, Bennett & Hunter, Inc.
Bonnie & Dick Clendaniel
Penguin Random House
Margaret & Paul Pitrone
Karen & Richard Soisson
Lisa & Robert Wack
Carroll Hospital
Joan Develin Coley & M. Lee Rice
Infosys Foundation USA
Lehigh Cement Company
Lewis Contractors
Mount Garage Doors, Inc.
Pam & Doug Velnoskey
Carroll & Sue Yingling
Steve & Laura Aquino
Evelyn & David Babylon
Curt & Andrea Berstler
M. Susan Bollinger, M.D. & Barbara Lindsay Olsh
Vince & Kathleen Campanella
Todd & Donna Herring
Adreon W. Hubbard
M&T Bank
McDaniel College
PSJ Orthodontics
Jeffrey & Susie Scott
Jason & Karen Stambaugh
Lynn Wheeler & Gerald Klauber
Caroline Babylon & Kevin Dayhoff
Bill & Janeen Bates
Marsha Brand
Susan Case
Citizens for Maryland Libraries
Susan del Carmen Ridder
Evapco, Inc.
Jan & Dave Flora
Lorraine Fulton
GFWC Woman's Club of Westminster
Jeff Griffith & Diane Vaccaro
Leza Griffith
Virginia & Charles Harrison
Healthy Hearing & Balance LTD
Hill Development Group, LLC
Neal & Nancy Hoffman
Kairos Wealth Advisors of Raymond James
Carol Kolb
Bob Kuntz & Christina Ogle
The Langmead Family
Fred & Marjorie Lohnes
Becki & Joe Maurio
Joyce & Harvey Muller
Hash Newman
Orevero Corporation
David & Mary Peloquin
George Perkins
Art and Vickie Riley
Risk Management Consultants
Rotary Club of Bonds Meadow
Rotary Club of Westminster
Smart Splice, LLC
Susan & Joseph Thompson
Winchester Exchange LLC
Elaine M. Adkins
Jen Bishop
Karen & Steve Covino
Tony & Donna Eckard
Robert & Caroline Ferber
Julia Jasken & David Colquhoun
Barbara & Richard Lease
A Likely Story Bookstore
Michael Metz
Jan & Alex Ober
Cynthia Piazza
Gail Slater
JoAnn Zaleski
Frank & Delores Batavick
Ken & Barb Beverungen
Bob & Bette Bibee
Sherrine Bollinger
Carroll County Public Library Staff Association
Community Foundation of Carroll County
Corynne B. Courpas
Nanci & Edward Feltham
Iva Gillet
Kendra & Gerard Hart
Doris Hull
Knorr Brake Corporation
Nancy & Joe Lynch
Timothy Lyons
Rebecca A. McCaffrey
Sharon Maiorana
Peg Mandel
Amy Miller Meyers
Frances Nickolas
Lisa M. Picker
R. D. Bowman & Sons, Inc.
Carolyn L. Scott
Patty Sundberg & Abby Cohen
Will Abbott
Rosemary Ackermann
Suzanne Ader
Daniel & Sheila Aukerman
Nini Beegan
Loretta Bowers
Karen Brown
Dorothy S. Burton
Leslie Burton
Donna Carr
Carroll County Democratic Club, Inc.
Carroll County Public Library Branch Managers
Carroll County Public Library Finksburg Branch Staff
Carroll County Public Schools Media Specialists
Selonie Cortada
Suzette Covalt
Donna L. Crafton
Ellen Croft
Janet E. Davis
Donna Disbrow
Natalie Edington
Deborah Effingham
Jane Eickhoff
Erik Ferragut
Todd & Kelly Frager
K. L. H.
Lois Halley
Marty & Ken Hankins
Edie Haschert
Louise Haydu
Irene Hildebrandt
Hill, Barnes & McInernay, LLC
Hoffman, Comfort, Offut, Scott & Halstad, LLP
Mary Honeman
K. Hopkins
Ann Horvath
Marge Hummel
Linda & Jeff Ibex
Hope & Marty Jacobs
Jill Kartalia
Doris Keck
Richard & Kathleen Keen
Lauren Keppel
Bonny Kindt
Mallory Kusterer
Denise Rohr Laird
Janice M. Lawton
Marcia & Ed Leiter
Julia Levine
Lynda Lockard
Margarete Lory
Theresa & Les Mariner
Lorraine Markosky
Sharon Martin
Amber Harte Maurer-Farran
Joseph Matukonic
Constance McKain
Donna Messiora
Dean & Patricia Minnich
Lana Montgomery
Joe & Anne Moreau
Amanda Mosby
Mary Kay Nevius-Maurer
Rita & Dave O'Brien
Michele Olson
Karen H. Pelton
Laura B. Rice
Cindy Ringgold-Goble
Linda Ritter
Darrell Robertson
Julie Rosier
Elaine Seibel
Jane Sewell
Glennor Shirley
Paula Singer
Muffie Smith
Kimberly L. Smithson
Bob & Conni Spertzel
Stephanie Szymanski
Union Mills Homestead
Marlene Wenzel
Westminster High School Book Club
Frances A. Williams
Kara Wolfe
Karen Yoke
Rose Young
Rosemary Ackermann In Memory of Mark A. Stegman
Anonymous In Memory of Paul & Ruth Hahn
Anonymous In Honor of Carroll County Public Library's North Carroll Branch Staff
Citizens for Maryland Libraries In Honor of Bob Kuntz
Bonnie & Dick Clendaniel In Honor of Jeremy Clendaniel
Susan del Carmen Ridder In Honor of Brenda Proper
Iva Gillet In Honor of Dorothy Stoltz
Jill Kartalia In Memory of David Kartalia
Rebecca A. McCaffrey In Memory of Michael A. & Mary A. McCaffrey
Joe & Anne Moreau In Memory of Wayne C. Williams
Mary Kay Nevius-Maurer In Memory of Marie T. Nevius
Hash Newman In Honor of Dorothy Stoltz
Patty Sundberg In Honor of Andrea Berstler
Patty Sundberg In Honor of Joe Thompson
Rose Young In Memory of Patrick & Marianne McGrath
These gifts were given in honor of Lynn Wheeler upon her retirement as Executive Director of Carroll County Public Library.
Nini Beegan
Andrea Berstler
Bob & Bette Bibee
Carroll County Public Library Branch Managers
Carroll County Public Library Staff Association
Carroll County Public Schools Media Specialists
Bonnie & Dick Clendaniel
Selonie Cortada
Suzette Covalt
Donna Crafton
Ellen Croft
Natalie Edington
Deborah Effingham
Jane Eickhoff
Robert & Caroline Ferber
Jan & Dave Flora
GFWC Woman's Club of Westminster
Hoffman, Comfort, Offutt, Scott & Halstad, LLP
Todd & Donna Herring
Irene Hildebrandt
Hill, Barnes & McInerney, LLC
Ann Horvath
Richard & Kathleen Keen
Bob Kuntz & Christina Ogle
Barbara & Richard Lease
Lynda Lockard
Margarete Lory
Nancy & Joe Lynch
Sharon Martin
Rebecca Maurio
Donna Messiora
Amy Miller Meyers
Dean & Patricia Minnich
Frances Nickolas
Jan & Alex Ober
Cynthia Piazza
Cindy Ringgold-Goble
Risk Management Consultants
Darrell Robertson
Carolyn L. Scott
Glennor Shirley
Paula Singer
Muffie Smith
Stephanie Szymanski
Tevis Energy, Inc.
Union Mills Homestead
JoAnn Zaleski