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The Makerspace


A Makerspace is a community center where tools are provided to design, engineer, fabricate and learn. All skill levels are welcome and it offers a safe do it yourself environment where failure is just another step in the learning process. Learning may be self-directed or instructor led, and Exploration Commons will provide the staff and guest instructors to assist with all learning styles.

Who may use the Makerspace

The Makerspace is for ages 8 – Adult. Children ages 8 – 11 may work with an equipment certified adult in the use of some machines in the space, but may not operate themselves. Children ages 12 – 15 may operate machinery with the assistance of an equipment certified adult. Persons aged 16 and older may operate any of the available equipment. An Exploration Commons/Library card is required to use makerspace equipment and all users must be certified to use select equipment.

Programs held in the Makerspace will be led by an instructor and may also have age restrictions depending on the equipment used or content of the program. An Exploration Commons/Library card is not required to attend programs.

Will there be a cost to use the Makerspace?

The use of the space is free. However, there will be a cost for some materials if required (filament, wood, acrylic, etc). There will also be programs where we need to charge to recoup expenses.

Hours and Staffing

The entire space will be open and staffed Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 8 PM, Friday - Saturday, 9 AM - 5 PM. In addition to CCPL staff, we will be working with outside presenters from various industries, professors from Carroll Community College and McDaniel College, Carroll County Public Schools faculty, and local interns and volunteers. Our community has much to offer and we will require their expertise and support to make Exploration Commons a success.

Upcoming Classes and Programs

Beginner Sewing Level 1: Sew a Small Zipper Bag (Class 3)
Exploration Commons
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Get acquainted with the sewing machine and basic tools of the trade. Expand your sewing skills by adding a zipper to a small storage bag. You'll insert a zipper into a small cotton bag with lining and learn hand-sewing techniques.

Class Prerequisites: Exploration Commons' Sewing Machine Certification

Required Materials: A sewing machine and all materials will be provided.

About Beginner Sewing Level 1: these classes introduce new or less experienced sewists to beginning sewing information and resources with hands-on practice.

Beginner Sewing Level 1 classes introduce and practice the following skills:

  • basis sewing tools
  • cutting, measuring, and marking fabric
  • pressing with an iron
  • basting and sewing

You can take Level 1 classes in any order, but beginners might benefit most from following the Class 1, 2, and 3 sequence.

Epilog Fusion Pro Camera Registration System
Exploration Commons
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Dive into the IRIS™ Camera Registration System on the Fusion Pro laser in this hands-on makerspace class. Learn how to make a print-and-cut project to precisely align your artwork using printer registration marks. Participants will create a small project to practice these techniques. Laser certification is required for all attendees.

Sewing: Serger Basics
Exploration Commons
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
In this class, you will learn about the sewing, cutting, proper threading, and operating basics of the versatile serger/overlock sewing machine. You will be inspired to incorporate serger/overlock techniques into your sewing projects to achieve better results. This is a beginner-level class, and no sewing experience is required. This program includes Exploration Commons Serger Certification for independent use.

Intro to Adobe Illustrator
Exploration Commons
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Learn the basic features of Adobe Illustrator. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and explore the program through hands-on instruction. No experience is required.

Beginner Sewing Level 3: Garment Sewing, Creating a Trouser Fly and Working with a Fitted Waistband
Exploration Commons
Thursday, April 3, 2025 - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Learn to sew a sample version of the trouser fly and the difference between a fitted waistband and a straight waistband before completing a pair of trousers. 

Class Prerequisites and Required Skills

  • Exploration Commons' Sewing Machine Certification
  • thread a sewing machine, wind a bobbin, and troubleshoot tension issues
  • sew straight and curved seams while maintaining consistent seam allowance
  • know how to read and work with a pattern and cut fabric with care and accuracy
  • have a basic understanding of different fabric types and have sewn with a few different types
  • have experience sewing a regular zipper

Required Materials

  • A sewing machine and materials will be provided

About Beginner Sewing Level 3: Intro to Garment Sewing

This set of classes introduces new or less experienced sewists to beginner sewing information and resources along with hands-on experiences.

This series introduces the following information and skills:

  • insert a set-in sleeve
  • sewing a collar with a lapel
  • sewing a trouser fly
  • sewing a fitted waistband
Intro to 3D Printing and Design with Tinkercad
Exploration Commons
Thursday, April 3, 2025 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Learn the basics of using Tinkercad to design for 3D printing! We'll walk through basic 3D design using Tinkercad software and create a simple project to be 3D printed. No previous design experience is necessary!

Adobe Illustrator: Beyond the Basics
Exploration Commons
Monday, April 7, 2025 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Join us for a comprehensive two-session Adobe Illustrator program where we further explore the software's capabilities and build on our existing knowledge. Because this class explores more advanced functionality, it is strongly recommended that participants take our Intro to Adobe Illustrator class or complete the following prerequisite videos before the class.

Making for Seniors: Introduction to Podcasting
Exploration Commons
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: Adults
Registration and more information
Learning new technology should be fun, not intimidating! Join us for a walk-through of our podcasting equipment and software to get you started using our Audio/Video Lab! 

Adobe Illustrator: Beyond the Basics
Exploration Commons
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Join us for a comprehensive two-session Adobe Illustrator program where we further explore the software's capabilities and build on our existing knowledge. Because this class explores more advanced functionality, it is strongly recommended that participants take our Intro to Adobe Illustrator class or complete the following prerequisite videos before the class.

Almond Cookie Day
Exploration Commons
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Ages: Adults
Registration and more information
Join us for a fun and hands-on almond cookie class in celebration of Almond Cookie Day! Whether you're a baking beginner or a seasoned pro, this class will guide you through the process. Come ready to bake and taste your own batch of almond goodness!

Introduction to Onshape and 3D Printing
Exploration Commons
Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Welcome to the world of 3D modeling, design, and 3D printing. In this introductory class, we will review the computer-aided design (CAD) software Onshape by diving into the fundamentals and techniques to make a 3D-printed keychain.

Beginner Sewing Level 2: Intro to Garment Construction
Exploration Commons
Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
This series of sewing classes introduces new or less experienced sewists to beginner sewing information, resources, and hands-on experience.

Beginner Sewing Level 2: Intro to Garment Construction introduces the following information and skills:

  • Fabric types, terminology, and preparation for sewing
  • Interfacing types, uses, and application
  • Reading, customizing, and cutting from a commercial pattern
  • Constructing and finishing a simple garment

This is a series class; you need to register for the first class and attend all three.

  • Class 1: Choosing, Purchasing, and Preparing Fabrics for Garment Sewing
  • Class 2: Measuring the Body, Preparing the Pattern and Fabric, and Cutting the Fabric
  • Class 3: Sewing Your Slim Cut Lounge Pants

Series Prerequisites and Required Skills:

  • Exploration Commons' sewing machine certification
  • Can thread a sewing machine and wind a bobbin
  • Can sew items together with different seam allowances
  • Understand the purpose of back-stitching
  • Have previously sewn items equivalent to the projects in the Beginner Sewing Level 1 classes: small fabric container, lined canvas tote with webbing handles, lined pouch with zipper

Required Materials:

  • A sewing machine, some materials, and a commercial sewing pattern will be provided
  • Students will supply the appropriate fabric, elastic, and thread for their garment
  • Appropriate amount of prewashed and dried fabric for your size*
  • Appropriate width and amount of elastic for your size*
  • Matching thread*

*Do not purchase fabric, elastic, or thread before the first class.

Laser Engraved Wood Mini Barn Quilts
Exploration Commons
Friday, April 11, 2025 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Ages: Adults
Registration and more information
Color mapping allows you to specify laser settings based on designated colors within your laser cutting design. Learn the basics of color mapping while creating a simple geometric wood barn quilt design. Previous laser design experience is helpful but not required. This class does not result in independent laser cutter use certification.

Open Sewing Studio (Bring Your Own Sewing Machine)
Exploration Commons
Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 10:00am - 2:00pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Open Sewing Studio is an opportunity to enjoy freestyle sewing with other sewists. Come in and work on your sewing projects in the company of others. A volunteer will be available to answer questions or provide feedback during this program. 

This registration is for individuals bringing their own sewing machine. You must have a working knowledge of how to thread and operate your machine to register.

If you want to reserve a sewing machine, please register for the other version of this program.

All skill levels are welcome. You must bring your own sewing supplies and tools.

Note: This is not an instructional class; no materials will be provided.

Open Sewing Studio (Reserve a Sewing Machine)
Exploration Commons
Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 10:00am - 2:00pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Open Sewing Studio is an opportunity to enjoy freestyle sewing with other sewists. Come in and work on your sewing projects in the company of others. A volunteer will be available to answer questions or provide feedback during this program. 

This registration will reserve a sewing machine for use. You must be certified for independent use to register for this program. 

If you want to bring your own sewing machine, please register for the other version of this program

All skill levels are welcome. You must bring your own sewing supplies and tools.

Note: This is not an instructional class; no materials will be provided.

Intro to Laser Cutting
Exploration Commons
Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 1:00pm - 3:30pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
This beginner-level laser cutter class will walk you through design basics, machine use, and safety procedures. At the instructor's discretion, customers who successfully complete this program will be certified to use the Exploration Commons' Fusion Pro and Fusion Edge laser cutters.

Customers aged 12 to 15 who complete their certification are required to have a certified adult with them to use the laser independently.

Edge-Lit Acrylic Signs: Easter Edition
Exploration Commons
Monday, April 14, 2025 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
We're taking a twist on everyone's favorite edge-lit signs class! Choose from a selection of Easter-themed cutout designs for your acrylic sign. These bright and colorful projects are a way to display a message or add flare to your room, desk, or workspace. In this program, you’ll laser engrave Easter-themed artwork of your choice onto a piece of clear acrylic and light it up with a provided multi-color LED light stand.

Intro to Basic Sewing Skills (Skill Level 0)
Exploration Commons
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Learn the basics to feel comfortable using a sewing machine. This introductory-level class includes the EC sewing machine certification necessary for many other classes and/or independent sewing machine use in the makerspace.

If you've never touched a sewing machine or a sewing needle, or if it's been years since you've sewed, and you need a refresher on the basics, then this class is for you.

Prerequisite: None

Materials: A sewing machine and all necessary materials will be provided.

Design an Augmented Reality Project with CoSpaces
Exploration Commons
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
Augmented reality allows us to combine digital elements with real-world objects. Join us to learn how to create and code a simple augmented reality scavenger hunt. Using CoSpaces Edu, we will walk through a facilitated project build you can share with family and friends. 

Laser Cutting Refresher
Exploration Commons
Thursday, April 17, 2025 - 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
If it's been a while since you passed your Exploration Commons laser certification and you could use a refresher on the process, this class is for you! Get a reintroduction to the basics of using our Epilog Fusion Pro and Edge lasers.  

This class is for customers who have already been certified for Exploration Commons independent laser use. This class does not result in independent laser cutter use certification.

Previous Exploration Commons Laser Certification is required.

Intermediate Laser Cutting: Photoshop for Laser Engraving
Exploration Commons
Monday, April 21, 2025 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
In this class we will focus on editing photos in Adobe Photoshop to get the best results with our Fusion Pro and Fusion Edge laser engravers. 

Laser Certification is required prior to attending this program.

Intro to CNC Routing
Exploration Commons
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Ages: 12 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
This two-part program will introduce you to design basics, machine use, and safety procedures for our Iconic i2015 CNC Router. Session one will focus on project design and the VCarve software. Session two covers machine use, including hands-on time with the CNC machine.

All program registrants must complete the prerequisite online Iconic CNC Machine Use and Safety Training before attending the first session of this program.

At the instructor's discretion, customers who successfully complete both sessions of this program will be certified to use Exploration Commons' CNC machine. Customers aged 12 to 15 who complete their certification are required to have a certified adult with them to use the CNC router independently.

Advanced Laser Cutting: Cardstock, Cardboard, and Fabric
Exploration Commons
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Ages: 16 - Adults, Adults
Registration and more information
This class will discuss using cardstock, cardboard, and fabric with the laser cutters here at Exploration Commons. We will go over how to cut and engrave each material safely and provide helpful tips. Exploration Commons Laser certification is required prior to attending this program.